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International Elite Program. TRAIN, COMPETE, ELITE

Return to Play

Updated May 29,2020

IEP Soccer Return To Play Policies – established May 29, 2020

The staff of IEP Soccer, like you, are anxious to return to normal activities as soon as safely and practically possible and within the Governor’s and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) guidance.  As we begin to phase in our return to play, IEP Soccer will be implementing the following return to play protocols while considering the CDC guidelines and guidance provided by local health professionals and infectious disease specialists.  

The information contained in this document is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All content is provided for general informational purposes only. The knowledge and circumstances surrounding COVID-19 are changing constantly and, as such, IEP Soccer makes no representation and assumes no responsibility for the completeness of this information. Further, you should seek advice from medical professionals and/or public health officials if you have specific questions about your return to training and competition.

I. GENERAL GUIDELINES:  The following will be applied regardless of the Return to Play phase:
a.     Participation in any group activities is only allowed if you have had no signs or symptoms of Covid-19, no signs or symptoms that may have been Covid-19, have not been exposed to someone who has had signs or symptoms of Covid-19 for a minimum period of 14 days before participation 

b.     If you are sick or feel sick, STAY HOME

c.    At risk individuals, youth or adult, STAY HOME (if you are unsure if you are considered at risk, please consult your medical provider directly) 

d.   All players, parents, and staff will take their temperature prior to departing for the fields.  Anyone with a temperature of 100 or more will not be allowed to participate for a minimum of 14 days 

e.    No one is to share water, towels, or any personal equipment, including but not limited to shin guards, tape, hairbands, jersey/uniform, pinnies or bibs of any kind.  Please note coaches may assign a pinnie/bib to a player to take home and care for OR ask that each player brings/wears their own alternative color shirt
f.    No centralized hydration or refreshment stations

g.   Respect for each individual’s choices will be the top priority. If a player wishes to wear a face mask this will be allowed, and accommodations made if needed
h.   If a player, parent or family is not comfortable returning to play, they should not return.  This decision will not be held against the player, parent or family

i.    All facilities, will develop their own policies and procedures. All players, parents and families are expected to abide by all facility policies

II. PHASE SPECIFIC GUIDELINES: In addition to the above, the following will be applied during each specific phase.

A.   Phase I Guidelines (May 15-June 10)

  • Focused on return to activity with individual training; no group drills
  • No contact
  • Groups not to exceed 10 participants including coaches
  • Coaches/staff will take their temperature prior to arriving at the fields and will confirm that all players performed their own temperature checks before arriving  
  • No sharing of water or equipment.  Each player must utilize his or her own ball.  Equipment and balls must be disinfected after each session.  
  • Participants must remain a minimum of 10 feet apart
  • No spectators on sidelines.  All spectators must adhere to facility regulations and must maintain maximum social distancing
  • Coaches must wear masks at all times when they are within 10 feet of anybody
  • Players are encouraged to wear masks, although they may be removed during play
  • Practice times will be set to maximize social distancing 
  • Sessions to allow for one group to leave the area before the next arrives

B. Phase II Guidelines (TBD): Guidelines will be communicated before entering the next phase

  • It is important to note that this is an ongoing situation and environment.  IEP Soccer will continue to monitor guidance from the Federal, state and local authorities. We will communicate to you additional phase restrictions as they are developed.  


Additional References:                
Florida Youth Soccer (FYSA)
US Youth Soccer (USYS)
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

Mayowa Owolabi
President & Executive Director 
IEP Soccer